Monday, February 9, 2009

Mystery Project Preview - Test Your Frame ID Skills

Just finished the lug lining on this frame, whose identity won't be revealed yet. But if you'd like to guess the maker, here are some clues:

  • Nervex Professional Lugs and crowned fork (not shown).
  • Reynolds 531 DB tubing
  • French threaded headset/bottom bracket
  • Campagnolo Dropouts
  • Serial number stamped on the top of the wraparound left seat stay. This should be a dead giveaway to followers of a certain marque, when they consider the other features and the brazed on brake cable guides on the bottom right side of the top tube and the seat tube chrome panel.
Post your guesses in comments. The identity of this frame will be announced when the decals are applied and a new photo is uploaded. One may click on the image to display a larger view.

The color is Sherwin Williams "Gecko". The lug lines and serial number highlights are Sharpie yellow paint pen, extra fine point.

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