Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Phoenix Project - Campagnolo Record 10 Speed Shifters

I've already selected the shifters for The Phoenix Project, but today I just received my new set of Campagnolo Record 10 Speed Ergopower Shifters (Quick Shift variant). I got a outrageous deal on these ones, new in sealed box, for around $160, including all the cables and fixings:

I gotta say, Campagnolo still has that ol' black magic.  And they still have the integrated brake release, which I love.

This would be a pretty big change of course - I was planning on non-aero levers & using Toshi stitch on bar wrap, which is dead sexy.  But there is no way the Toshi stuff will stretch over cables - the Velo Orange stuff will, but I think that their stuff looks a little unrefined, maybe something that you'd see on a Viking's bicycle.

Beyond that, I've never had a brifter equipped road bike - I was on board with indexing on mountain bikes from day one, but I've never had the urge for road bikes.  But maybe it is time to get in tune....

Well, I've got some thinking to do now.


  1. would it be possible to know where you got those campy record 10 levers? I'm looking for the exact same model, but can't find it under 300$...


  2. would it be possible to know where you got these campy record 10 speed gear levers? I've been looking around for the exact same model but wouldn't be able to find it under 300$ for a pair..


  3. would it be possible to know where you got these campy record 10 speed gear levers? I've been looking around for the exact same model but wouldn't be able to find it under 300$ for a pair..


  4. I got these from Wiggle over in the UK. I don't know why they were so cheap, maybe they were momentarily overstocked.

    But it was a killer deal, no doubt.
